
NACTI 2024 looks forward to working with its partners in industry and beyond. We are pleased to offer the following opportunities for sponsorship.

Become a Sponsor: Contact nacti24info@lists.ucla.edu

$2,000: Aluminum Level
  • Exhibit table in the room where the coffee breaks and poster sessions are held – 2 days
  • Coffee break sponsorship
  • Logo on program documents
  • Logo on event site, linking
  • Announcement of the sponsorship by email to attendees

$5,000: Barium Level
  • Exhibit table in the room where the coffee breaks and poster sessions are held – 4 days
  • Coffee break and/or best poster prize sponsorship
  • Logo on program documents
  • Logo on event site, linking
  • Announcement of the sponsorship by email to attendees

$10,000: Thorium Level
  • Exhibit table in the room where the coffee breaks and poster sessions are held – 4 days
  • Banner in main auditorium where talks are held
  • Mention at beginning of every conference day
  • Logo on program documents and signage
  • Logo on event site, linking
  • Happy hour and/or coffee break sponsorship
  • Announcement of sponsorship by email to attendees

Special Thanks to Our Sponsors!